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Acquisition, assessment and certification of Digital Competence

Enrollment is Closed

#CRISSmooc: How to acquire and assess the students’ Digital Competence


Insignia digitalNowadays, most teenagers use new technologies in a creative and intensive way, especially for communication purposes. Besides, the use of mobile devices allows our students to be connected 24 hours a day. But, what is their real digital competence? How can we develop and assess it?

The CRISS project provides a framework for the digital competence of students as well as a tool designed to develop, assess and certify that digital competence. The CRISS tool is a ‘portfolio manager’ which helps collect and show all type of evidences related to digital competence as well as enables its assessment through different learning scenarios.

This course is a means to introduce both the students’ digital competence framework and the CRISS platform to teachers. After successfully complete the training activities you will obtain a digital badge issued by The CRISS Project Consortium with mention to the competences acknowledged after completion of the different activities. That badge can be downloaded and stored in your Digital Backpack.

In order to follow this MOOC, we recommend you to join the CRISS pilot beforehand. Joining the CRISS pilot doesn't mean any specific commitment to you. It will just allow you to have a better understanding of the tool as well as improve the interaction with it in order to do the different activities present in this MOOC.

You can find all the information here: How to join CRISS pilot?


  • To value the importance of developing and assessing the students’ digital competence.
  • To understand the implementation of the theoretical framework of the CRISS project.
  • To sign up on the CRISS platform and set up your account.
  • To be able to create material and publish it on the portfolio.
  • To plan assessment scenarios.
  • To learn how to create or adapt scenarios.


Doing this MOOC also contributes to the development of many areas of the Digital competence for teachers, and particularly in areas 1: “Information”, 2: “Communication” and 5: “Problem solving” of the “Common Framework for Digital Competence of Teachers".

More specifically, the activities on this MOOC will help you reach the following levels:

  • Level C1 of competence 1.2. Evaluating data, information and digital contents as you work on the descriptor “I frequently”.
  • Level C2 of competence 2.4. Collaboration through digital media, as it contributes to fulfill the descriptor “I participate with my students in educational projects involving online collaboration with other educational institutions”.
  • Level C1 of competence 5.2. Identifying needs and technological responses, as it contributes to fulfill the descriptor “I critically assess the possible solutions to the needs of both my students and myself as a teacher, individually or collaboratively via online network”.
  • Level C1 of competence 5.4. Identification of digital competence gaps, as it contributes to fulfill the descriptor “I promote center wise educational projects in collaboration with my colleges in order to improve the digital competence of my educational community”.


Conecta13, Educación y Desarrollo Profesional S.L.

Dynamization team

Equipo docente

Belén Rojas

She has a Degree in Philosophy and Arts (Spanish Philology) and has an Official Master's Degree in New Technologies and Education. She is specialised in Elearning, Innovative education, MOOC and teachers training. She has coordinated and supervised different training actions for teachers by institutions like INTEF, UNIA, UGR, IC... Believe in the potential of technologies for social and educational transformation. She is part of Conecta13 and on Twitter is @BelenaVeleta.


Jesús Santos

He is a teacher soul biologist that loves teaching Science. With a master’s degree in “Secondary Teaching", today he is working in Conecta13, taking part in its projects and innovation initiatives. Computer and new technologies lover, he is always trying to look for the best way to use them for an useful learning. You can find him on Twitter as @Jesus0ABC.

Target audience

This course is aimed to teachers who are interested in educative innovation and specifically in the development and assessment of their students’ digital competences.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732489.

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort

    5 hours per week