Taking the most out of digital learning. The contribution of e-ducation project

Course Objectives:
This open and online course aims to raise awareness and promote the use of the resources and teaching tools developed throughout the Erasmus+ project "E-Ducation. Teaching and learning after 2020". Participants will be able to access and put into practice the different proposals and resources both formative and informative in a controlled, collaborative practice environment so that they can subsequently carry out the actions that they believe are most suitable for their needs.
The course consists of five modules (one for each product developed in the project) with an estimated duration of ONE HOUR of dedication per module. The modules are:
REPORT: Learn about the conclusions, suggestions and recommendations of this study in which a multitude of articles and scientific publications have been reviewed and numerous teachers and school managers have been interviewed in order to have a solid base on which to build the different proposals that have been developed in this project and that you can learn about in the following modules.
CHECK AND ACT. Answer a simple questionnaire to find out your current level and your options for improvement in relation to digital competence in teaching. You will find more information in the e-book included.
MOBILE LEARNING. Follow the training itinerary adapted to your needs and find out the most effective methodological options to improve your digital competence as a teacher.
E-TESTING. Learn about methods and resources for the assessment of learning in a digital context and access a bank of online tests that you can download and adapt to your needs.
GAP RADAR. Install this app to facilitate communication, information exchange and joint decision-making between the different agents involved in the teaching and learning process.
This is a self-learning activity in which participants can decide which contents, activities, etc. they carry out according to their needs. However, the organisation will propose an itinerary to facilitate the follow-up in the order that the authors consider most appropriate to get the most out of the course. Thus, the different modules will be opened progressively, but once opened they will remain available for consultation, downloading, etc. even after the end of the course.
Although, as already mentioned, this is a self-learning activity, a team consisting of one person for each module, will be available to participants to resolve any doubts that may arise, moderate possible debates in the forums, etc.
The course will take place on the Conecta13 MOOC platform (mooc.conecta13.com) People interested in participating must fill in the registration form you will find at THIS LINK and they will receive an email with the log in info.
El proyecto "E-DUCATION: TEACHING AND LEARNING AFTER 2021" está cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
El contenido de esta publicación es responsabilidad exclusiva del consorcio de miembros del Proyecto E-DUCATION (FDSM, UNIR, CONECTA 13, UCO –Spain-, EUROLINGUE, ISTITUTO ABRAHAM LINCOLN, CREATIV- Italy- y AGRUPAMENTO DE ESCOLAS RAINHA SANTA ISABEL –Portugal-) y ni la Comisión Europea, ni el Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE) son responsables del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.